Gold Star Mothers monument re-dedication ceremony held at Greenville City Park


By Drew Terhall

GREENVILLE — Fort GreeneVille Daughters of the American Revolution held a re-dedication ceremony for the Gold Star Mothers monument at Greenville City Park on Sep. 23.

The monument has been cared for by the Hoblit family for three generations. Kathy Bowen, a member of the Fort GreeneVille DAR, is the current generation to care for the monument. Her grandmother, Gertrude Hoblit, was the original founder of the Fort GreeneVille chapter of the Gold Star Mother’s.

The organization raised money to purchase the monument to honor our Darke County Veterans.

Bowen said the honor of placing a gold star on the monument has been passed down to the different generations.

“For many years, a gold star was placed at the monument by my grandmother. Handed down to Jean Hoblit, my mother, who promised to carry on her task. Next Amy Erisman, then my mother’s sister, Marcella Sewell. Finally, gave me the honor to place a gold star on this monument each year,” Bowen said.

On June 23, 1936, Senate Joint Resolution 115 has designated the last Sunday in September as Gold Star Mother’s Day. It is now known as Gold Star Mother’s and Family Day. The organization will continue to honor this day and honor the Gold Star Families.

Bowen said a time capsule was removed from monument with the container and it’s contents destroyed. They plan on placing a new time capsule with the container being donated by Zechar Bailey Funeral Homes.

The goal is to have the future generations continue to care for the monument and continue on with the Gold Star Mothers’ mission.

“We challenge our future generations and the city of Greenville to reopen the time capsule on the 100th anniversary of this monument in 2057 on designated Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day,” Bowen said.

Bowen said funds to revitalize and update the monument were donated by Darke County Honor Guard and American Legion Post 353 Ansonia.

The Greenville Honor Guard and mayor Stephen Willman were in attendance to join in on the celebration of the Gold Star Families.

Contact Daily Advocate Drew Terhall at [email protected].

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