Collecting bottle caps to improve park


NORTH STAR — Thanks to a bottle cap recycling program offered by the Darke County Solid Waste Management District, the North Star Community Park will have new picnic tables for visitors to use following the completion of the park’s renovation project. Through Dec. 31, the North Star community will continue to collect bottle caps from sport drinks, water, and pop as well as food container lids numbered 2, 4, and 5. These caps will be recycled into sturdy plastic picnic tables to be placed around the park.

“This project is a great way for the entire community to be involved in improving our park,” said Carolyn Wilker, president of the North Star Community Association. “We have had a lot of support to help make our project successful. We would like to thank Versailles Schools and Mr. Jason Ahrens’ classes who helped collect. Also, thanks to Chris Leach who coordinated with his church and workplace to collect.”

Krista Fourman, district director, Darke County Solid Waste District stated, “Collecting caps and lids is the perfect way for citizens to help their community with a project that won’t cost them anything but a few moments of their time! Visit our website for more information at to see a list of caps that are accepted. Follow our Facebook page (Darke County Solid Waste Management District) for recycling events and locations.”

Wilker commented, “We invite everyone to visit our park next spring and summer to enjoy the new shelter house, restrooms, and safe walkways. The dream of having an inclusive, accessible park in the North Star community is coming true!”

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