MV-MVCTC FFA participates in Parli Pro


UNION CITY — The Mississinawa Valley-MVCTC FFA Chapter participated in the Advanced Parliamentary Procedure Contest. The contest was held at Versailles High School on Nov. 7.

The members who participated were Aron Hunt, Paytyn Heistand, Brandon Miller, Daniel Hartzell, Aldon Edger, and Matalin Meyer. They spent the weeks up to the contest preparing, as they had practice every morning. At the contest they had to take a general knowledge test over parliamentary procedure. Then they had to perform a mock chapter meeting where they had two main motions to make and debate. There were four members along with the secretary and the chairman. Each member had one assigned ability and one extra ability that they chose, except for the chairman whose responsibility was to respond to the main motions and abilities. The secretary had to make and debate motions, complete his assigned and extra abilities, along with taking minutes for the whole meeting. The meeting was supposed to last as close to 12 minutes as the members could get it.

The members were judged on the execution of their abilities and their debate on the motions. After the test scores and meeting scores were combined for all teams, the results were posted. The chapter received third place. Great job to the members who participated.

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