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Experience Matters

Dear Fellow Republican:

Now, more than ever, we need strong leaders in our courts to fight against the crime and wolce policies overtalcing our justice system. Law and order cannot be compromised, especially here in Darlce County. For this reason, we are coming together to support James (Jim) Bennett to be our next Darke County Prosecuting Attorney.

Experience matters.

Born and raised in Darlie County, Jim has the legal experience that we need to uphold the law & order that Darke Countians expect and demand. After graduating from Versailles High School and Wright State

University, Jim attended law school at the University of Dayton. Since this time, Jim has worked in public prosecution in both Miami and Darke Counties. He brings decades of legal experience, handling over 145 felony trials and providing counsel to all elected officials, townships, and other boards/agencies for the County. It is critical to have a steady hand and proficient mind representing us in these situations, ensuring thorough and fair investigations and prosecutions.

Experience matters.

In addition to his courtroom experience, Jim has provided training for law enforcement at area police academies and agencies. Jim’s slcill and professionalism earned him a position from Governor DeWine to serve as law enforcement training officer at the state police academy in London, Ohio.

As elected officials in Darke County, we understand the dynamics of public service and the pressure that comes with it. Jim has demonstrated a commitment to justice and the highest standard of integrity. Jim is the legal professional and conservative fighter we need in our courtroom, representing Darke County.

Experience matters, and Jim is the only candidate that possesses it. We need your vote and support for Jim Bennett on March 19, 2024 on the Republican Primary ticlcet.

Most Sincerely,

Jim Buchy, former state representative

Toby Spencer, former Darke County sheriff

R. Kelly Ormsby, III, Darke County prosecutor

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