Canine Capers meet


GREENVILLE — The Canine Capers 4-H Club held their monthly meeting at Darke County DD on Monday, Feb. 26.

The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Chloe Alexander and the 4-H Pledge was led by Chloe Alexander. After pledges, the roll call was taken by Secretary Madison Haworth. February minutes were read by the secretary and approved by the club. The treasurer’s report was given by the treasurer and was approved by the club. The Health & Safety Officer gave a report on signs of seasonal allergies in dogs. The Ohio State 4-H Conference took place on March 9th and Canine Capers Club Members that attended include: Madison Alexander, Asa DeMange, and Kate Bernholt.

Unfinished business: There were several unfinished business topics that club members discussed including Club Equipment, Remind, Trash Bash, 2024 Calendar, Lease Agreements, and Enrollment Information.

New business: President Bailey Haworth explained what drill team was and her experience in the past years doing drill team. Many club members sparked interest in Drill Team and potential topics for Drill Team were discussed.

Demonstrations, speakers, other topics:


* Becky Baker has tickets for chicken and pork dinners.

* Lease Agreements are due by April 1

* If you are not on remind text message @caninecape to 81010

* The State Fair will be June 17-19 and July 24 will be agility day.

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