Commissioners accept bids for eight asbestos removals


By Meladi Brewer

GREENVILLE — The Darke County Commissioners received and opened four out of nine bids for the Asbestos Removal Project. Commissioners Matt Aultman, Marshall Combs, and Larry Holmes were present.

The county has eight vacant residential structures that will need to have Asbestos Remediation and Removal before they will be able to be demolished. These eight structures are part of the 11 buildings that are in the Brownfield Demolition & Site Revitalization program.

Bids were to be received no later than April 30 at 1:30 p.m., and the estimated cost for the removal was $170,717.50. Environmental Assurance Co. Inc was the highest bidder with an estimated cost of $295,031, and the lowest bidder coming in at $108,395 was H&H Environmental.

DSEA Services and Enviroworx Services were the middle ground with $186,690 (DSEA) and $135,300 (Enviroworx). The commissioners voted to submit the bids for review.

“I will have some questions for the lowest bidder, and then we will go from there when making a decision,” Grants Consultant Susan Laux said.

Those who were listed but did not turn in a bid include Allied Construction Industries; Alloyd Asbestos Abatement Co; Builders Exchange, Inc; Dodge Construction Network; and Rainbow Environmental.

Following, two change orders were approved by the commissioners. Both change orders are with Westerheide Construction for the Terminal Area Development, but they are being paid out of a different fund; therefore, they were processed separately.

The changes following were made to the contract documents: total added was $29,873.29, total deducted was $42,537.71, for a combined total of $12,664.42. The original contract price of $2,065,000 had $60,734,76 in previous adjustments before this adjustment change order. The total adjusted contract price is $2,113,070.34.

For the second change order, a credit for West Access road, parking, concrete, sidewalk, and berm that was paid for via separate contract/invoice totals $62,237.33. Having that amount adjusted took the original price contract from $2,065,000 o $2,050,833.01 for the total adjusted contract price.

An estimated total of $387.30 was approved on behalf of Dr. Timothy Kathman for a mandatory Ohio State Coroner’s Conference he will be attending in May. The cost will cover an estimated $267.30 for transportation and $120 for meals. Amber Richardson will be attending a mandatory BCS Grant Funded Director’s Meeting in May as well for an estimated total of $60 to cover meals.

$480 was also approved by the commissioners to cover the estimated total for a mandatory Edison State Criminal Justice Academy in Sidney for Kelsey Monnin. This is to cover the cost of Monnin’s meals for the 27 days she will be in attendance.

In anticipation of National day of Prayer, the commissioners signed a proclamation. It is in recognition of the National Day of Pray that was first observed by members of the Continental Congress in 1775, and President Truman signed a joint resolution declaring an annual National Day of Prayer in 1952.

The 100th United Stated Congress passed a resolution on May 5, 1988 proclaiming the observance of the National Day of Prayer on the first Thursday of May each year thereafter. May 2nd will be recognized as National Day of Prayer.

The commissioners meet every Tuesday and Thursday in the Commissioners Administrative Building; 520 S Broadway, Greenville for public Regular Sessions.

To contact Daily Advocate Reporter Meladi Brewer, email [email protected].

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