HSEM encourages you to be prepared


GREENVILLE — When it comes to preparing for an emergency, each person’s needs and abilities are unique, and by evaluating your own personal needs and making an emergency plan, you can be prepared for any type of emergency situation.

The Darke County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management reminds everyone to:

* Get a Kit. Create a kit that includes emergency supplies that will last for at least three days, maybe longer.

* Make a plan. Plan in advance what you will do in an emergency situation.

* Be Informed. Stay informed about what might happen and prepare to adapt this information to your personal circumstances. This is a great time to sign up for CodeRed Emergency Notification System. You can sign up for CodeRed on our website at www.darkecountyema.org.

A commitment to planning today, will help you should you faced an emergency tomorrow. Preparing makes sense. Get ready now.

Go to www.ready.gov and you will learn how you can participate in National Preparedness Month and prepare yourself and your family for emergencies

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