Hicks and Trissel place in public speaking


GREENVILLE — On Tuesday, Jan. 31, Greenville High School FFA members Taylor Trissel and Jayden Hicks competed at the County FFA Public Speaking contest held at Brookville High School.

Trissel is a freshman and competed in the FFA Creed speaking contest. The FFA creed consists of a student memorizing the six lines of the FFA Creed and presenting it to a panel of judges. This contest is designed to develop leadership and the ability to appear before a group. Participants then answer a series of questions over the FFA Creed. Members participating are evaluated on their presentation, memorization, and response to questions. This contest is only open to first year members. Miss Trissel did an outstanding job representing Greenville FFA and placed sixth in the contest.

Hicks, a junior, competed in the Extemporaneous speaking contest for the second year. Hicks selected a title that his speech had to focus on and had thirty minutes to research and prepare a four- to six-minute speech and then present to a panel of judges. After presenting his speech, he was asked questions pertaining to his topic and speech. The contest is designed to stimulate the interest of the FFA member in agriculture and leadership by giving them an opportunity to speak before an audience. Hicks placed first and will represent the chapter in the District Extemporaneous Speaking contest.

Congratulations to both members on an outstanding job and good luck to Hicks at the District contest.

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