54th Annual Fall Fair is Oct. 5


UNION CITY — The Mississinawa Valley-MVCTC FFA will hold its 54th annual Fall Fair on Oct. 5.

The dinner includes your choice of chicken or ham, a baked potato, a roll, applesauce, and your choice of Mrs. Wick’s pie or a Beanz Bakery cookie. The cost is $10 a meal.

All day, members grill the chicken, wash and cook the potatoes, and get everything else in the meals prepared for their customers. If you want to purchase meal tickets or advertise your business in their Fall Fair booklet just ask any FFA member. The members sell around 1,800 tickets every year. You can pick up your meal from 4-7 p.m. Dine in the cafeteria or go through the drive through and eat at home.

After picking up your meal, stop by the ag shop to see all the members’ exhibits. There’s crops, shop projects, grains, canned goods, baked goods, vegetables, and more. You can also see the elementary exhibits of painted pumpkins.

Contact any member or call (937)-968-4464 ext 2479 to purchase a meal or get an ad in their book. The money raised helps to support student activities throughout the year. Come and check out everything the members have done at their annual Fall Fair.

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