Versailles FFA point winners named


Versailles FFA Awards 2nd Point Nine Weeks Point Winners

VERSAILLES — The second quarter has passed and FFA point winners were announced at the Feb. 26 meeting. Members earn points based on their participation in both chapter and community activities. The system is divided into three divisions; eighth grade, high school, and capstone. The winners in the eighth grade division are first place: Josh Henry, second place: Drew Geisendorff, third place: Brooklyn Livingston. The winners in the high school division are first place: Maggie McGlinch, second place: Hank Smith, third place: Patrick McGlinch. The winners in the capstone division are first place: Emma Middendorf, second place: Alex Dirksen, third place: Jeremiah Wagner. The class with the highest average was Bergman’s third period. Congrats to all the point winners and keep up the good work next quarter.

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