Batten vying for state FFA office


Batten Vying for a State FFA Office

VERSAILLES — On Saturday, April 6, Colin Batten, a member of the Versailles FFA Chapter, participated in the State FFA Officer interviews vying for a spot on the 2024-2025 State FFA Officer Team.

As part of the interview process Batten completed an application, agriculture education and agriculture industry along with a personal interview, led a scenario conversation with agriculture business leader, recorded a video on why he desired to be an Ohio FFA Association State FFA Officer and sent in thank you notes to be evaluated. The announcement of the Ohio FFA State Officer ballot will take place at the upcoming State FFA Convention.

Versailles FFA and Batten thank the following individuals who assisted in preparing him for the officer interviews: Maria Homan, Tommy Shaw, Maria Carity, Laura Wuebker and Lucy Bambauer

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