Events support Shelter From Violence


GREENVILLE — The Darke County Shelter from Violence received substantial funds from several pubs, bars and coffee shops over the St. Parick’s Day weekend and from the Eclipse Days festivities in Darke County.

On Thursday, March 14, Annie Sonner, director of the Shelter for Battered Women, attended the Alchemy Cocktail Lounge St. Patrick’s Day activities, which consisted of a meet and greet with Greenville Mayor Jeff Whitaker and a buffet of corned beef sandwiches, cabbage rolls, and Irish cobbler potatoes, catered by Mike James. There was also true Irish music provided in the Upper Room at the Alchemy by folk singer-songwriter T Ora.

This was also the night of the destructive Darke County tornado, and the celebration had to be cut short, as guests huddled on the first floor, and they were able to witness through the thunder and lightning, images of the tornadoes passing North of Greenville. The Alchemy St. Partick’s day weekend festivities continued on Friday and Saturday with funds being raised not only for the Shelter, but also for Red Cross Darke County Tornado relief. The Shelter also benefitted from two nights of music at the Coffee Pot, on Friday and Saturday of the Eclipse weekend, April 5 and 6.

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