Versailles FFA recgonizes top CDEs


Versailles FFA Recognizes Members for Top CDE’s

VERSAILLES — The Versailles FFA held its annual Career Development Event (CDE) luncheon on Friday, May 17 in the Ag Shop. At the luncheon, the Versailles FFA recognized all CDE participants for the year and top participants for the high school and eighth grade divisions.

For the high school division, Paige Gehret, Maggie McGlinch and Andrew Wuebker were the top CDE participants. All of the members participated in four CDEs. Gehret participated in Job Interview, Ag Sales, General Livestock, and Floriculture. McGlinch participated in Soils, Food Science, Nursery Landscaping, and Agronomy. Wuebker competed in Ag Sales, Job Interview, Public Speaking, and Floriculture.

The runners-up in the high school division were Colin Batten, Jayna Luthman, Ryland Broerman, and Zoe Billenstein. All four completed three different CDEs. Batten competed in: Public Speaking, Ag Sales, and Parliamentary Procedure. Luthman competed in General Livestock, Ag Sales, and Parliamentary Procedure. Broerman competed in Job Interview, Floriculture and Public Speaking. Billenstein competed in Job Interview, Public Speaking, and Parliamentary Procedure.

For the middle school division, Joshua Henry was recognized as the top individual and he participated in four CDE’s – Parliamentary Procedure, Greenhand Quiz, Quiz Bowl, and Wildlife. The runner up for the Middle School division was Monica Evers. She competed in three CDE’s – Parliamentary Procedure, Greenhand Quiz, and Career Exploration.

This year, the Versailles FFA received one banner in Ag Sales. The top 4 participants in Ag Sales were Batten, Gehert, Luthman, and Wuebker. Joshua Henry was recognized for placing first in Middle School Wildlife CDE. Billentein placed second in the state in the Senior Division of Job Interview. Broerman placed third at state in the freshman division of Job Interview. Wuebker placed fifth at state in the junior division of Job Interview. Luke Kaiser placed second at state as an individual in the high school division of Wildlife.

Versailles FFA gave a special thanks to Amy Hoying and Jennifer Bruns for administering the CDE tests throughout the year. Mrs. Hoying and Mrs. Bruns were given gift certificates and flowers and the top winners were given certificates and prizes. Versailles FFA thanks all the individuals that helped coach teams and sponsor sites for practices that allow the Versailles FFA to be so successful in CDE. Versailles congratulates all members on their many accomplishments this year.

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